Monday, March 30, 2009

Computer 2000

Shirt of the day on is a cartoon of a computer in the style of a late 1990's (2000, per the title) beige box with a bunch of little cartoon people on it. I like it automatically because it's a computer, but the beige color is just bad, and the cartoon is rather dull. I also feel the need to point out (being the Apple fan that I am) that Apple's computers in 2000 had color, curves, and were generally nice looking. This is sort of accurate for a WinTel box though...but the shirt is like the computer design of the time: boring.

Rating: 6/10

As always, visit to read the description and actually buy the shirt. Shirts are available for one day only at $10 (including shipping) and usually for some time afterwards at a higher price.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bomb Deco

Shirt of the day on is a dark shirt with a (World War II B-24 Liberator type) bomber plane and bombs. I guess this shirt is cool if you like WWII planes (I do), but it's not exactly funny or anything like that. I like the color "Asphalt Runway." Overall though, eh...not that great of a shirt. The plane is cool. The shirt: not so much.

Rating: 7/10

As always, visit to read the description and actually buy the shirt. Shirts are available for one day only at $10 (including shipping) and usually for some time afterwards at a higher price.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Without Porpoise

Shirt of the day on is a simple blue shirt with the text, "Where there's a will, Hey! There's a " and then a picture of a large whale. The background is blue. I understand the "Where there's a will there's a way" idea, but not this shirt. It's a whale. Whale == Way. Not really very funny. And what's with the "Hey!"? Maybe I'm missing something. Or, maybe it's just not that funny. Ah

Rating: 7/10

As always, visit to read the description and actually buy the shirt. Shirts are available for one day only at $10 (including shipping) and usually for some time afterwards at a higher price.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shirt of the day on features a wooden guitar with the neck turning into a tree. It's really kind of cool looking. Not that profound, but cool looking. I agree with some of the commentators on the forums in that the blue color doesn't quite fit. It'd make more sense with a green background. Of course, then the leaves might not show up...Anyway, decent shirt, somewhat bland though.

Rating: 7/10

As always, visit to read the description and actually buy the shirt. Shirts are available for one day only at $10 (including shipping) and usually for some time afterwards at a higher price.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mars Madness

Shirt of the day on is a spoof of March Madness basketball brackets. What if they had competition with Martians? The shirt has a green background (of course! It's St. Patrick's day!) and a tournament bracket. Instead of teams, there are cartoon figures of an astronaut, a giant spider, and other "Martian" like things. It's a decent shirt...nothing incredibly exciting...of course, I also don't really care about basketball...

Rating: 6/10

As always, visit to read the description and actually buy the shirt. Shirts are available for one day only at $10 (including shipping) and usually for some time afterwards at a higher price.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Playing God

Shirt of the day on is a cartoon of a stereotypical "God" about to smash the dinosaurs with a meteor that he is holding. This is such a stereotype of God that it's not even that funny. It's an old, white man, with a halo over his head and a beard. I realize the humor is supposed to be found in the stereotype, but I just don't think it's that funny. Maybe it's just the mood I'm in right now. Anyway, just not that exciting of a shirt today. Pass on this one...

Rating: 5/10

As always, visit to read the description and actually buy the shirt. Shirts are available for one day only at $10 (including shipping) and usually for some time afterwards at a higher price.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pterodactyl With A Machine Gun

Shirt of the day on is awesome!!! It's a black shirt with stars showing constellations on it. The fun part is, the constellations are things like "Utah" or "Pterodactyl With A Machine Gun" or "Nondescript Polygon." This shirt describes how I feel about constellations...the only one (besides the Big Dipper) that I can ever find is one I labeled myself, called "The Great Glove." The shirt also glows in the dark! This shirt is awesome. I think I'm going to take a huge credibility jump, and actually buy this shirt...yeah...

Rating: 10/10

As always, visit to read the description and actually buy the shirt. Shirts are available for one day only at $10 (including shipping) and usually for some time afterwards at a higher price.

Friday, March 6, 2009

They Were Delicious

There has been almost a total lack of updates this week, as I've been both sick and overwhelmed with homework. That said, here's a review of today's shirt on Today's shirt is a green sea dragon/monster creature in water. The serpent creature is digesting a whale, a submarine, and a large sailing ship, and the outlines of said digested vessels are visible in the skin of the serpent creature. It's amusing...not especially profound...I kind of like it, but there's nothing spectacular about it. Decent.

Rating: 7/10

As always, visit to read the description and actually buy the shirt. Shirts are available for one day only at $10 (including shipping) and usually for some time afterwards at a higher price.
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